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Howard Kyi

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Google Bookmarks

Google Bookmarks

1 comment:

  1. This year ; in Burma : people are trying to have fun and celebrate the New Year ( Water Festival ) ; in various parts of the country were met with : bombing from the Military Regimes ; trying to disrupt the election process they have started the initiative for so many months and years ; with the realization that , a lot of the opposition parties were refusing to participating in the process . With that in mind ; the international communities and the foreign countries were putting the pressure on the military regimes by officially recognizing the major opposition party : National League for Democracy as the only legitimate government of Burma , which put the military in a legal binding to turn over the governmental affairs to the opposition party or keep their control under the military dictatorship to continue as usual .
    It seems as if ; they have chosen the later one and attempting a lot of secret bombings throughout the country . With this situation ; they will be making an official announcement of " the foreign countries were behind this " and declare the state of emergency and withdraw the election process in 2010 .
    I am seeing it and predicting this thing will happen very quickly .
    Sincerely Yours ,
    Howard Kyi .
    Rosemead , California . U.S.A.
