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Howard Kyi

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010



1 comment:

  1. - In ; South Africa , the whites majority have sentenced Nelson Mandela to prison terms for so many years to eliminate him from the political process and in the end Nelson Mandela was set to the freedom for the sake of the peace and the unification of the country ; was later elected as the President of South Africa . History has proved to us that no matter how the oppressor has done to control the opposition party at bay , in the right time and the right place , the country and the people have awakened to protect the interest of the country to salvage it from further worsening from out of control , to depose the oppressor and there by liberate the country once more . Indonesia , the Philippines ; the two countries has been under the autocratic ruling of the authoritarian government for so many decades and finally with the Peoples power ; it has driven the autocratic ruling dictator to give up the power and the country have adopted the democratic principles and the election to have the choice of government they want . In Burma ; it can happen in the very near future .; depending on the Peoples will and the desire to fight back for what is the rights of the Power of the People and eventually the overthrow of the autocratic ruling and gave way to the democracy .
    Sincerely Yours ,
    Howard Kyi. Rosemead , California .U.S.A. Website:http//www.howardkyi.com
