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Howard Kyi

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Georgia joins lawsuit against healthcare overhaul | Reuters

Georgia joins lawsuit against healthcare overhaul | Reuters

1 comment:

  1. Here it goes again for those "Tea party goers " ; attacking the Health Care Reform Acts ; that has been signed into law by the President : Obama in recent weeks .
    The conservatives point of views for the working class of the average Americans is too radicals and if the gaps between the haves and haves not is too widening ; we will have a real problems in our society to balance the differences of the rich and the poor .
    In our democratic society ; it is very important to work together to have the balance the rich and the poor . If it cannot be achieved ;we will have a very troublesome society and there will have a lot of violence's breaks out as a result of it .
    We have to remind ourselves each and everyday ; in our society : the rich and the poor have to work together , especially the very rich people have to look back to those very unfortunates people and give it back to the poor by helping out , reach out and the society will become more harmonious and the crimes or the violence's will reduced .
    Just look at the Country of Singapore ; the rules and the strictest standards that applicable to each citizens to follow and the country has little or no crimes on the streets . Even , on a very wee hours of the middle of the night ;no one will get hurts from going out on the streets .
    Every Citizens in Singapore's have to follow all the rules set forth by the government and no one is allowed to chew gums , smoking cigarettes or even spitting on the streets .
    If the Singaporeans were able to follow all the rules and their society has little crimes or nothing ; we " Americans " can do this .
