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Howard Kyi

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dead Yemeni child bride tied up, raped, says mom - World - TheState.com

Dead Yemeni child bride tied up, raped, says mom - World - TheState.com

1 comment:

  1. In the United States , a child who is only 14 years old and being forced to marry another man would happen only in Utah ,with the Mormons that practiced multiple marriage and have many wives as much they can have .
    In other parts of the United States , this is illegal to force a child into marriage as it is a pre-arranged marriage from both sides of the parents . It is punishable by law and it is a crime to do .
    Howard Kyi .
    Rosemead , California .
    Facebook.com|horard kyi

    Read more: http://www.thestate.com/2010/04/10/1238028/dead-yemeni-child-bride-tied-up.html#none#ixzz0kkYNtIHo
