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Howard Kyi

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Monday, May 31, 2010

The Associated Press: Russia studies sinking probe; war drills in South

The Associated Press: Russia studies sinking probe; war drills in South

1 comment:

  1. Now , with the Russians ---trying to figure out & investigate the sinking of the South Korea Naval Ship by North Korea . If the experts from Russia , findings were true to the findings from the South Korean ; this time ---the Russians must not hesitate to ; denounce and condemn the terrorist act of the North Korean and officially convene the United Nations Security Council meeting with the other big four at the security council to ; officially condemn & sanctions the North Korea with more economic blockade & stop selling the North Korea with armed trades .
    China ;has to agree with all the proposals from the United Nations Security Council & co-operate with the International Communities to officially banned the North Korea with economic sanctions & stop selling them with armed trades . If, China ---doesn't agree with the terms that is agreed from the United Nations Security Council ; the Chinese will have lost their credibility as one of the most ; " Key Partners in the United Nations Security Council " . The time is running out for China ; to play this kind of one of the most dangerous games ; that can have a profound effect in the International Security & Peace ---Law & Order ; that every member nations in the United Nations ; must abide by the United Nations Charter & Agreements .
