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Howard Kyi

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

China labor unrest and their currency tie to the world .

With the continuation of labor unrest in China ; the United States will have a better chance of capturing some of the businesses that have over the years lost to China ; due to the cheap labor at the time . It is no longer in the cheaper labor workforce in China anymore due to their inflation and cost of living due to their stronger : Chinese currency : " Yuan ". in comparison to other world currencies that tie their currency with the daily fluctuations of the world's currency and stock market pricing changes . China has refused to tie their currency with the fluctuations of the world market and the stock market changes daily .

If , China refused to continue with their stronger currency : Yuan ; tie up to the world's currency and the stock market fluctuations ; in their domestic market ; the Chinese People will have to pay more for their products that sells everything from shoes , to clothing and to those of non-perishable products such as ; refrigerator , television , laptop computers and finally cars for the Chinese People that ; in their domestic market ; a lot of people were spending their hard earned money to purchase luxury cars for themselves with the shaping of the better economy and the competitiveness around the globe : will likely be curtailed due to their stronger currency .
Eventually ; the Chinese Government will one day , comes to a better term with their trading partners to relax their stricter monetary policy and the advantages that the Chinese have for so many years will have to give way to other countries for the sake of balancing the trade advantages the Chinese have enjoyed so many decades will come to an end .

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